How do I cancel my account? Print

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We're sorry to see you go. If there is anything we can do to change your mind and keep you as a customer, please let us know. If you are having difficulties using your account or if you are experiencing any technical issues, please get in touch with us before canceling your account. We will be happy to assist you in resolving any issues you may be experiencing.

You can cancel your account at anytime, simply login to and follow these steps.

  1. Under the services menu, select the account you want to cancel.
  2. Click on the drop down arrow beside the view details button
  3. Select "Request cancellation".
  4. If you have an active domain with your hosting plan and do not wish to renew it, select "I confirm I do not want to renew this domain again" and submit "Request cancellation".

That's it!

Don't forget! If you have an active PayPal subscription, make sure you login to directly to cancel it. WireNine does not have any control over your subscription payments and is not responsible for any payments made from your paypal subscription after your account is canceled.

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